Thursday, November 27, 2008

gobble gobble.

Thanksgiving...thank you pilgrims. I'd have to say the meal today was especially delicious. Walking on the beach after such a yummy meal isn't so bad either. It's weird my parents are living in Florida again....Thanksgiving and Christmas on the beach -- I guess there's nothing to complain about there.
I am blessed, immensely. I have a wonderful family and a great group of friends who love me so much....not to mention I love them all too :) Sometimes things don't always go the way you want....seems to be a trend in this life of mine, but honestly...I suppose I wouldn't have it any other way.

FYI: I still totally and completely love my job. Seriously...I know I wasn't one who was fond of working and all but if I'm going to work then this is exactly what I want to be doing....and I don't think I could find a better church to do it at. In the mean time, prince charming....find your way to Savannah and sweep me off my feet. :)

No final plans for New Years Eve yet....New Orleans, Panama City Beach, good 'ol Savannah...not sure -- suggestions or if you'd like to visit I'm all yours! :)

Going shopping at 3am tomorrow so I suppose it's time to sleep.


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