Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Story of My Life (currently)

He strategically places us in situations in life, in which we can make the greatest impact, even if this means being separated from things that we want and the people we are most familiar with.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Days of Retreating

It's been a while since I've read the Gospel of Luke in it's entirety. I remember now why reading a book through is helpful -- and rereading it can be even more so. I am one of those Christians, girls, whatever you want to call me who likes to read other stories and books...about Jesus, of course and His life and His saving grace and forgiveness but stray away from the Bible at times.

I'd say the Bible has the best stories of all. Especially when it's Jesus himself teaching. Not that Don Miller and Francis Chan don't have great things to say (they do, and there is a lot of things I've learned and been able to apply because of their books) ... but there's something more about the Bible. I suppose this is no new thinking ... just renewed thinking for me and it was much needed, today, especially.

Sometimes I like reading about all the "good" things Jesus has to offer us; hope, forgiveness, love, mercy, and the list goes on ... and I like reading all those encouraging passages from  the Epistles especially but the life of Jesus was INCREDIBLE. Sometimes I forget it -- or maybe it's not that I forget it but I have other things on my mind like how will I pay for this bill this month or when am I going to meet friends here St. Charles/St. Louis, or why can't I live closer to my family. Anyways -- they're all about ME and as I've been told and taught this life isn't about me and one of these days I hope I'll get the picture.

Anyways - I haven't posted in a while so there's an update on my spiritual lacking or stupidity at times and I'm learning a lot. I feel like I ventured to a Christian college and learned a LOT about myself (thankful for most of the situations) and then I moved to Savannah and learned even more about myself (more grown up type things I suppose) and I thought, eh ... maybe I've learned enough about myself and others for a while. But I've realized that learning about myself, others, and especially Jesus should never and will never stop. That's good -- I just needed a little refresher course. 

I like learning things about myself...for the most part. Sure, there's things we find out when we're put into circumstances and we're like "dang, I wish I wasn't this way" but it's beneficial at least to know who we are. I find that important especially right now when I don't have a strong community of friends near me. And not to mention, before I meet this prince charming of mine it'd be pretty awesome to figure out a lot about who I am, what I want, what I'm about etc before I drag him along for the ride.

All this to say - I'm growing up, whether I like it or not and it's not always going to be easy. I heard a lot about the direction of one's life during the beginning of January. Direction, not intention determines your destination. I think there's been several times in my life where my intention truly has been good (possibly even God lead) but the direction that intention is leading me is not necessarily where I want to end up. Will God use me where I land? Sure, I think so ... if I'm open and willing to let Him do His thing, but when does being happy and liking where I am become selfish? I'm happy where I am, don't get me wrong. Have I been happier in other places? Sure ... But who says it's all about happiness? (LS if you read this I know you'll have something to say, please do...) and when will I learn the difference of happiness and contentment and joy? I thought Bible College and millions in college loans would have sorted all of that out for me.

Do I choose to be joyful daily? Sure, I think so for the most part ....do I complain sometimes (maybe more than I should) probably so -- which then makes me ask the question if I'm content.

I just remembered I'm blogging and not writing in my journal so the blabbing will end now. It's good to write sometimes for me ... helps me see my thoughts and think through them a little more clearly. Plus, comments sometimes help too (and sometimes they don't ... so if you're not going to be helpful don't comment :) -- kidding). Anyways - today is my Spiritual Retreat Day and I'm very thankful.

I'm learning and I'm living and it's all for a greater purpose so here I go continuing on this little journey of mine ... 

Oh last thing -  I'm excited for a few upcoming trips. I'm going on a cruise with one of my best friends, Kathie, to the Bahamas in March so that's going to be super fun and then in April I'm heading to LA for a conference that should also be great -- plus, I'll get to spend some quality time with another one of my bffs, Holly.

And to all a good day. :) XoXo!